


April 19, 2023

1 Introduction

In the first and second lecture block for “Finanz und Versicherungstechnik” (Finance & Insurance), we learnt about price elasticity. To solidify our understanding about it, the Professor provided us a dataset, from which we need to calculate the price elasticity and visualize our findings.

The goals are:

  • to calculate different price elasticity for different segment of cars,
  • to calculate the optimal price to maximize revenue using price elasticity theory.

-> You can directly check my findings by clicking Section 10.

For theory about price elasticity, check this wikipedia page.

2 Importing necessary Python library

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from itertools import product
# import xlwings as xw

3 Read the data

raw_data = pd.read_csv("/Users/gunardiali/Documents/Master_Data_Science/Semester_2/Finanz-_&_Versicherungstechnik/Preiselastizität.csv", sep=";")
(35, 13)

Seems like there are lots of columns. Let’s visualize the transposed version to show all 13 columns as rows:

0 1 2 3 4
date mag-06 giu-06 lug-06 ago-06 set-06
c.class.average.price 38917 38917 38917 38917 38917
unit.c 4329.0 4250.0 5285.0 4652.0 4238.0
E.class.average.price 61420 61420 61420 61420 61420
unit.e 4070.0 4213.0 4479.0 3955.0 4112.0
s.class.average.price 101100 101100 101100 101100 101100
unit.s 2526.0 2407.0 2233.0 2427.0 2357.0
cl.class.average.price 132050 132050 132050 132050 132050 46.0 63.0 52.0 54.0 41.0
sl.class.average.price 134225 134225 134225 134225 134225 1056.0 866.0 768.0 713.0 557.0
m.class.average.price 44900 44900 44900 44900 44900
unit.m 2278.0 2601.0 2446.0 2312.0 2706.0

4 2. Cleaning data

Let’s clean up month and year:

modified_data = pd.DataFrame()

modified_data.loc[:,"month"] = raw_data.loc[:,"date"].str[:3]

modified_data.loc[:,"year"] = "20" + raw_data.loc[:,"date"].str[-2:]
modified_data["year"] = modified_data.loc[:,"year"].astype('int32')
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
month mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic gen feb ... giu lug ago set ott nov dic gen feb mar
year 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 ... 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009

2 rows × 35 columns

Replace italian month to integer for simplicity:

replace_dict = {"gen":1, "feb":2, "mar":3, "apr":4, "mag":5, "giu":6, "lug":7, "ago":8, "set":9, "ott":10, "nov":11, "dic":12}
modified_data.replace(replace_dict, inplace=True)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
month 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
year 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 ... 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009

2 rows × 35 columns

5 Transforming dataframe

Transform into standard datetime:

modified_data.loc[:,"date"] = pd.to_datetime(modified_data[["year", "month"]].assign(Day=1))
modified_data.drop(["month", "year"], axis=1, inplace=True)
0 2006-05-01
1 2006-06-01
2 2006-07-01
3 2006-08-01
4 2006-09-01

Transform table using class:

cleaned_data = pd.concat([modified_data, raw_data.drop(["date"], axis=1)], axis=1)
cleaned_data.set_index("date", inplace=True)

class_list = ["c", "e", "s", "cl", "sl", "m"]
iterables = [class_list, ["price", "unit_sold"]]
cleaned_data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables, names=["class", "unit"])

class c e s cl sl m
unit price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold
2006-05-01 38917 4329.0 61420 4070.0 101100 2526.0 132050 46.0 134225 1056.0 44900 2278.0
2006-06-01 38917 4250.0 61420 4213.0 101100 2407.0 132050 63.0 134225 866.0 44900 2601.0
2006-07-01 38917 5285.0 61420 4479.0 101100 2233.0 132050 52.0 134225 768.0 44900 2446.0
2006-08-01 38917 4652.0 61420 3955.0 101100 2427.0 132050 54.0 134225 713.0 44900 2312.0
2006-09-01 38917 4238.0 61420 4112.0 101100 2357.0 132050 41.0 134225 557.0 44900 2706.0

Apply new column:

iterables = [class_list, ["price", "unit_sold"]]

cleaned_data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(iterables, names=["class", "unit"])

class c e s cl sl m
unit price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold price unit_sold
2006-05-01 38917 4329.0 61420 4070.0 101100 2526.0 132050 46.0 134225 1056.0 44900 2278.0
2006-06-01 38917 4250.0 61420 4213.0 101100 2407.0 132050 63.0 134225 866.0 44900 2601.0
2006-07-01 38917 5285.0 61420 4479.0 101100 2233.0 132050 52.0 134225 768.0 44900 2446.0
2006-08-01 38917 4652.0 61420 3955.0 101100 2427.0 132050 54.0 134225 713.0 44900 2312.0
2006-09-01 38917 4238.0 61420 4112.0 101100 2357.0 132050 41.0 134225 557.0 44900 2706.0

Remove multilevel column:

cleaned_data = cleaned_data.stack(level=0).reset_index("class")
unit class price unit_sold
2006-05-01 c 38917 4329.0
2006-05-01 cl 132050 46.0
2006-05-01 e 61420 4070.0
2006-05-01 m 44900 2278.0
2006-05-01 s 101100 2526.0

6 Visualise

Visualize price and unit sold for different class:

fig = px.scatter(cleaned_data, y="price", x="unit_sold", color="class", log_x=True, trendline="ols", trendline_options=dict(log_y=True))

7 Get trendlines

Extract trendline coefficients:

trendline_params = []
for i in (class_list):
  current_class = cleaned_data.loc[(cleaned_data['class'] == i)]
  model = smf.ols(formula="price ~ unit_sold", data=current_class).fit()
  intercept = model.params.Intercept
  slope = model.params.unit_sold
  trendline_params.append((intercept, slope))

trendlines = pd.DataFrame(trendline_params, columns=["intercept", "slope"])
trendlines.loc[:, "class"] = class_list
trendlines.set_index("class", inplace=True)

intercept slope
c 38676.549355 -0.221809
e 64882.396937 -0.570804
s 147041.433666 -14.185744
cl 152113.548976 -20.676529
sl 137453.325316 -2.907888
m 58356.218353 -1.915135

7.1 Trendline for S class

Visualise trendline for S class:

s_class = cleaned_data.loc[(cleaned_data['class'] == "s")]
fig = px.scatter(s_class, y="price", x="unit_sold", log_x=True, trendline="ols", trendline_options=dict(log_y=True), title="Price vs. Unit Sold for S Class")

Get intercept and slope:

intercept    147041.433666
slope           -14.185744
Name: s, dtype: float64

8 Calculate price elasticity

Create elasticity function:

def calculate_elasticity(car_class:str, x_axis:int=0, x_input:int=0, show_vis=True, return_elasticity=False):
  axis_list = ["price", "unit_sold"]
  x = axis_list[x_axis]
  del axis_list[x_axis]
  y = axis_list[0]
  current_class = cleaned_data.loc[(cleaned_data['class'] == car_class)]
  formula_str = "{} ~ {}".format(y, x)
  model = smf.ols(formula=formula_str, data=current_class).fit()

  if show_vis:
    fig = px.scatter(current_class, y=x, x=y, trendline="ols", title="Price vs. Unit Sold for {} Class".format(car_class))

  intercept = model.params.Intercept
  slope = model.params[x]

  elasticity = slope * x_input / ((slope * x_input) + intercept)

  if not return_elasticity:
    print("Intercept, Slope (transposed): {}, {}".format(intercept, slope))
    print("Elasticity at {} {} = {}".format(x, x_input, elasticity))
    return elasticity

Get elasticity for S class at price 125k:

calculate_elasticity("s", 0, 125000)
Intercept, Slope (transposed): 6553.746326543564, -0.03885217994413569
Elasticity at price 125000 = -2.861450798110559

Get elasticity for s class at price 105k:

calculate_elasticity("s", 0, 105000, False)
Intercept, Slope (transposed): 6553.746326543564, -0.03885217994413569
Elasticity at price 105000 = -1.6487623127148616

9 Calculate global elasticity for each class

The elasticity for S class at 105k and 125k are different, because they represent local elasticity for specific price. Let’s calculate the global elasticity for S class. To calculate it, the mean or median value can be used. In this example, the mean value is used.

Calculate mean and median price for each class:

mean_median_df = pd.DataFrame(index=class_list, columns=["mean_price", "median_price"])

for i in class_list:
  current_class_df = cleaned_data.loc[(cleaned_data['class'] == i)].dropna(subset=["class", "price", "unit_sold"])
  current_class_df["unit_sold"] = current_class_df["unit_sold"].astype(int)
  current_class_df.loc[:, "revenue"] = current_class_df["price"] * current_class_df["unit_sold"]
  current_total_unitsold = current_class_df.loc[:, "unit_sold"].sum()
  current_total_revenue = current_class_df.loc[:, "revenue"].sum()
  mean_price = int(current_total_revenue/current_total_unitsold)

  current_class_df["price"] = current_class_df.apply(lambda s: [s['price']] * s['unit_sold'], axis=1)
  current_class_df = current_class_df.explode('price')
  current_class_df["price"] = current_class_df["price"].astype(int)
  median_price = int(current_class_df.price.median())
  mean_median_df.loc[i, ["mean_price", "median_price"]] = [mean_price, median_price]

mean_price median_price
c 37481 37256
e 62618 62818
s 117550 124750
cl 146585 132050
sl 135658 136175
m 53066 56040

Calculate global elasticity using mean price:

for i in mean_median_df.index:
  mean_median_df.loc[i, "elasticity"] = calculate_elasticity(i, 0, mean_median_df.loc[i, "mean_price"], show_vis=False, return_elasticity=True)

fig = px.scatter(cleaned_data, y="price", x="unit_sold", color="class", log_x=True, trendline="ols", trendline_options=dict(log_y=True))

mean_price median_price elasticity
sl 135658 136175 -22.419657
e 62618 62818 -11.428949
c 37481 37256 -2.750339
s 117550 124750 -2.298856
m 53066 56040 -0.410138
cl 146585 132050 -0.297840

10 Find optimal price which maximizes revenue

Based on price elasticity model, the optimal prices are:

# Calculating trendline parameter using price as x axis
trendline_params = []
for i in (class_list):
  current_class = cleaned_data.loc[(cleaned_data['class'] == i)]
  model = smf.ols(formula="unit_sold ~ price", data=current_class).fit()
  intercept = model.params.Intercept
  slope = model.params.price
  trendline_params.append((intercept, slope))

trendlines = pd.DataFrame(trendline_params, columns=["intercept", "slope"])
trendlines.loc[:, "class"] = class_list
trendlines.set_index("class", inplace=True)

price = np.arange(0, 500000, 1000)
trendlines_df = pd.DataFrame(list(product(class_list, price)), columns=['class', 'price'])
trendlines_df = pd.merge(trendlines_df, trendlines, on="class")
trendlines_df.loc[:,"unit_sold"] = trendlines_df.slope * trendlines_df.price + trendlines_df.intercept
trendlines_df["unit_sold"] = trendlines_df.loc[:,"unit_sold"].astype(int)
trendlines_df.loc[:,"revenue"] = trendlines_df.price * trendlines_df.unit_sold

fig = px.line(trendlines_df[trendlines_df.revenue > 0], y="revenue", x="price", color="class", hover_data=['unit_sold'])
mean_median_df.loc[:, "optimal_price"] = 0
for i in mean_median_df.index:
  id = trendlines_df.loc[trendlines_df.loc[:,"class"] == i, "revenue"].idxmax()
  mean_median_df.loc[i, "optimal_price"] = trendlines_df.iloc[id].price

mean_price median_price elasticity optimal_price
sl 135658 136175 -22.419657 71000
e 62618 62818 -11.428949 34000
c 37481 37256 -2.750339 26000
s 117550 124750 -2.298856 84000
m 53066 56040 -0.410138 92000
cl 146585 132050 -0.297840 313000